Gospel Standard Baptist Library
Books can be borrowed (either in person or by post) for three months and renewed if necessary. There is no charge for this or other facilities but donations are always welcome.
Second Hand Books
Two books of each title are usually kept in the Library. Surplus books often become available for purchase and the regularly updated list of details may be obtained by clicking here.
GDPR Notice
The Library data protection / privacy notice is here.
Opening Hours
The Library is open Monday-Thursday mornings from 9.30am-12.30pm and other times by arrangement. Please ring 01273 559813 or email: gospelstandardlibrary@gmail.com.
There are facilities for research on various subjects and also for family histories. Obituaries from the different magazines are indexed to facilitate this.
Hope library in the USA is open by arrangement.
The full catalogue for the main library can be found in the downloads section. The catalogue is in two sections – Subject matter with 20 groups A-T and Author/Title section. The Subject section includes the Holy Scriptures in the original and various languages; commentaries; dictionaries; related customs, travel, archaeology and prophecy; biographies; works of the divines; hymns, poetry and correspondence; bound magazines; sermons and lectures on theological subjects and treatises; church order, ordinances and history; and a children’s section.
The catalogue for Hope Library in the USA is available separately in Classification and Author order.
The library is hoping to issue newsletters every six months from August 2013, giving interesting sidelights on various aspects of the library and the books which are available. Newsletters can be downloaded here.
Church Records
The library keeps many records from old churches and chapels, and some copies of records which have been deposited at Public Record Offices. The details of all records available which the library is aware of can be downloaded
here. Please contact the library for more information.
Contact UK Library
Contact Hope Library, USA