Bethesda / Fees and Funding

Fees and Financial support of residents

Bethesda's fee structure is reviewed annually by the Bethesda Fund Committee and usually increased in line with inflation with additional costs such as the governments National Living Wage and, in 2025, increases in employers National Insuranc, factored in.

The fee level paid by individual residents of the homes is agreed by the Home Manager in accordance
 with the level of care and support received (ordinary, intermediate, higher and advanced) and is reviewed at least quarterly and amended if required to reflect changing care needs. This does mean that fees can go down as well as up. 

Bethesda also offers a short-stay facility which is charged at a lower rate than the permanent service. 

For more detail on the fee structure and weekly rates please enquire. 

Types of Funding

Self-funding residents:  A resident will normally be regarded as self-funding if they have savings amounting to more than £23,250.

Savings less than £23,250: When an applicant on the List of Approved Applicants has savings of less than £23,250 (or such other amount determined by the government) an application must be made to Social Services for an assessment for financial assistance before entry to the Home. 
If Social Services are not willing to support the applicant because their needs criteria are not met, the Committee may consider supporting an applicant from the Bethesda Fund if in the opinion of the Committee entry to a Home is desirable.  Such cases could include applicants of an advanced age (normally 80 years or over) where there is:
  1. difficulty in getting to chapel because of lack of transport or physical disability
  2. extreme loneliness because of location
  3. the inability to cope with living alone, perhaps because of depression or nervousness
  4. a close relative or friend already in the Home
  5. they have to live with worldly or unsympathetic relatives
  6. the burden of care falling on a relative has become too great
For more information on how local authority funding works we draw your attention to our information resourses page which contains links to a number of useful links.